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Guatemala...through MY visor (short 'n sweet, no pics)

 ...Even though, I encountered my fair share of speed bumps, the people here are for the most part friendly, helpful and approachable. Guatemala City reminds me of a steel factory, loud, polluted, overcrowded and too many vehicles. It feels like, if it doesn't blow black smoke from the exhaust and the horns and engine noise doesn't blow your eardrums out, it shouldn't belong on the streets. Traffic is just horrific, if you have not been to this city on two wheels. The trip to the Bavaria BMW satisfied my curiosity for driving in the Guatemalan capitol. Thanks, but no thanks!

Riding around the Guatemalan country side on the other hand is very enjoyable and relaxing. I rode in and around Antigua while there for a week. Riding conditions are diverse, shaved stones that bear their own challenge, especially when wet, from asphalt to dirt, from twisties in the hills to straightaways. A little bit of everything. Of course, I encountered my fair share of rain, since the month of Sep. and Oct. are the rainy season. But that's just something you have to get used to this time of year in Central America.

Gracias,,,El Hostal, for putting up with me. your Espresso machine fixed, yet...Jose? ;-)

Ok, I had my bike washed...but only, because I was bored, I swear

A special thanks to Jose from MotoCafe, who I almost booked a Off-Road tour on a motocross bike with, the owners of "El Hostal" for letting me park my bike sheltered in the hostel for a week and to Roberto, who connected me with Bavaria BMW. It was also nice to meet the Aussie father-son team, Doug and Matt, who flew to Canada, bought 2 KLR 650's and are on their way to Ushuaia. I dug your self-made metal panniers, Doug :-) Good luck getting the chain and sprocket, Matt!